A Closer Look

CL Sid Juwarker

A Closer Look: Sid Juwarker

Sid Juwarker travels a lot for his job at the Greater Des Moines Partnership. The farthest has been a trip to India as part of the Partnership’s delegation on Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds’ trade mission …

CL Juliann Van Liew

A Closer Look: Juliann Van Liew

As Juliann Van Liew begins her new position as the director of the Polk County Health Department, she’ll also be pursuing her Doctor of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, caring for two young kids …

Tami Madsen CIWW 1

A Closer Look: Tami Madsen

Tami Madsen joined Central Iowa Water Works as the regional water utility’s first executive director in November, helping the organization take its final steps toward becoming operational on Jan. 1. She had previously worked in …

CL Ryan Mulhall

A Closer Look: Ryan Mulhall

Ryan Mulhall believes in learning by doing.

That was his experience in the military on the officer side when his first job was to be in charge of the communications — both the IT and …

CL Mindy Larsen

A Closer Look: Mindy Larsen

Mindy Larsen often waited for her dad while he met with his lawyer for advice as he navigated the farm crisis. She didn’t know what a lawyer did at the time, but she saw he …

CL Sydney Stuart

A Closer Look: Sydney Stuart

Nearly two decades before the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, a group of moms of children with spina bifida got together weekly to discuss their kids’ care. About 5 in 10,000 …

CL Paige Moore

A Closer Look: Paige Moore

When the opportunity arose to apply to be the next executive director of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Iowa, Paige Moore knew it was a perfect fit. 

In addition to her previous career …

CL Dr. Joshua Rehmann

A Closer Look: Joshua Rehmann

Joshua Rehmann’s first exposure to health care was as a kid growing up on a farm in rural Minnesota. 

From as early as he can remember until he left for college, Rehmann helped his dad …


A Closer Look: Matt Hansen

Much of Matt Hansen’s nearly 30-year career working with financial services companies happened abroad, including in Austria and England. Originally from Texas, he acquired his sense of “wanderlust” from his grandmother, the matriarch of the …

CL Angela Gallagher

A Closer Look: Angela Gallagher

As director of Executive Education at Drake University’s Zimpleman College of Business, Angela Gallagher’s job centers on enabling people in business to make the most of their capability.

That’s an aspiration she’s been familiar with …