AABP EP Awards 728x90

Forty Under 40: Stephani Manning

Vice president/shareholder, Holmes Murphy/Innovative Captive Strategies


What are your goals in your role at your company? 
My goal is to help the next generation of leaders, specifically young women in the Holmes Murphy family, recognize their potential and help them reach goals that exceed the expectations they have for themselves.

What are your goals for community involvement? 
My goal is having more depth versus breadth in the causes I’m passionate about. Often it can be difficult to say no to opportunities to serve on various committees or boards, but making a true difference often means going deep versus going wide.

What ‘s your biggest passion, and why?
My biggest passion is truly my family; everything I do is because of them and for them. The “why” is simple. They make me happy and the most important job I have is to take care of them. 

What is it that drives you?
My faith drives me but grounds me at the same time. Success to me is not making a lot of money or earning awards or accolades. Success to me is finding balance in all the things important to me (faith, family, career, friends, health, involvement in the community, etc.). It’s something I have to work at every day.

What are your aspirations for the future?
The initiative I’m working on I’m probably the most excited about is the potential we have with WOW and Holmes Murphy to be “the place” where young women want to start and achieve their career goals. Beyond reaching career goals, the whole initiative is built around rallying around each other, supporting each other, and celebrating personal and professional successes. 

Reasons she’s a Forty:

1.) Stephani ran a marathon and raised over $5,500 to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
2.) She was a founding member of and helped launch WOW (Women Optimizing Women), Holmes Murphy’s first diversity and inclusion initiative.
3.) She serves on the executive leadership team for the Go Red for Women Campaign.
4.) She is a working mother of two who insists her kids and husband join her in her volunteer efforts.


See all 2018 honorees