Guest opinion: Quit the hustle game and get into alignment
By Emily Steele | Co-owner, Brand Launch
As I was transitioning out of my full-time job into the entrepreneurial world, I was listening to as many podcasts and Audible books as possible. My brain was full of information from hundreds of men and women who are building the business and life of their dreams.
And while the information itself was good, many of the strategies and best practices just weren’t for me. The whole “hustle” and “grind it out” mentality offered by many successful entrepreneurs sounded utterly exhausting and unsustainable.
And then I started listening to “The Lively Show,” a podcast by Jess Lively.
Jess is this magical unicorn who is running in the opposite direction of hustle and focusing on a phrase I’ve been infusing into my everyday life: alignment before action.
When I talk about being aligned, I mean being really, really happy. Good juices are flowing. When you’re aligned, you’re in a state of appreciation, gratitude and pure joy.
The opposite of alignment for most people? Waking up, immediately checking email, scrolling Facebook, and rushing into work.
Getting into a state of alignment looks different for everyone. Some people may watch “Gilmore Girls” or make croissants. My approach? Wake up between 5-6 and make coffee because coffee makes me happy (low-hanging fruit, my friends). I grab that cup of warm deliciousness and sit on the couch and get into a state of appreciation. I sit in that spot until I think of something that is so inspiring to me that it propels me into motion.
Here’s the thing I see so often in myself and others: our conditions create our emotions. What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if we got into a really incredible emotional state that no matter what the condition is, we are still flying high?
What if it’s not about the hustle, but about the energy in which we operate day to day that attracts similar energy we desire?
I’m not saying I claim any sort of expertise on the subject other than personal experience, but by deliberately choosing how I create a morning with intention, I am more productive, opportunities are virtually endless, and I feel on top of the world.
Let’s be real though, just for a minute. There are ebbs and flows in alignment times. My brain sometimes says, “Emily, you have so much work, you really just need to get your oat milk latte and crank stuff out.” And I listen to that voice because the hard work mentality is still very prevalent and something I am conscientiously rewriting in my habits.
If you find that your days start off somewhat poorly or hurriedly, I would encourage you to spend 30-60 minutes getting as happy as humanly possible. And then get into your day. And if someone or some situation takes you out of alignment, take your lunch and do it again.
Life can be appreciated and celebrated. Instead of getting caught up in “rise and grind” mentality that’s found in so many social media posts, you can join me in finding alignment before anything else in your day.
I’m going to be writing and posting about this much more on my Instagram account in hopes that if it stirs something in you, you’ve got some support and encouragement along the way.
Emily Steele is a Des Moines gal, always seeking to fill the gap to make the community a better place to live, work and play. From co-owning Brand Launch to running FemCity Des Moines, Steele consistently works to provide value and education for business owners and other fellow do-gooders. Connect with Steele via email.