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Lift IOWA: News briefs – Week of Oct. 5


Koppel named first female CEO of the American Fraternal Alliance: The American Fraternal Alliance last week announced that Allison Koppel is the organization’s new CEO, effective immediately. Koppel, who was chief operations officer with the alliance, is the first female chief executive in the organization’s 134-year history. She joined the American Fraternal Alliance in 2006 after spearheading membership programs and communications campaigns at Midwestern University and the North American Wholesale Lumber Association, both located in Illinois.

WLC launches survey for women’s workforce research: Women Lead Change, in
partnership with the University of Illinois at Chicago, released a survey last week aimed at better understanding the range of challenges working women have faced amid the COVID-19 pandemic. All adult women currently working and living in the U.S. are eligible to take the voluntary survey. Once complete, survey results will be released as a public report to help drive future policies and practices throughout the Midwest.   

Small Business Success Summit scheduled for Nov. 5-6: Registration is underway for the Greater Des Moines Partnership’s Small Business Success Summit. This year’s summit is scheduled virtually for Nov. 5-6. It will feature three keynote speakers and 12 breakout sessions focused on a variety of topics, including marketing, legal, lessons learned from COVID-19 and increasing sales. Registration for the summit is $35 for Partnership investors and members and $55 for nonmembers. See the full agenda and register on the Partnership’s website.


Count the Kicks and Amerigroup Iowa have announced the “Stirrup” the Stillbirth Prevention Conversation, an initiative to empower expectant Iowa women to talk to their providers about fetal movement monitoring in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Forty leaders from across Iowa have been selected as members of the 2020-21 class of Leadership Iowa, an issues-awareness program.

The first episode of Hillary Clinton’s podcast was released last week and featured a conversation with Sen. Kamala Harris. Both women spent part of their discussion mourning Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.