NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: But what would you do? Disease experts respond.


Sometimes when you face a tough decision about a health-related matter, you just want to ask an expert what they would do. Not what the latest statistics are, or the latest government or medical guidelines; you want to know what they personally would do. Well, the New York Times asked the experts just that. The Times asked 511 epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists when they expect to resume 20 activities of daily life, such as seeing a doctor for a nonurgent appointment or sending kids to day care. Or traveling by airplane or attending a wedding. Or hugging a friend. Their responses are broken down into these time ranges: this summer, three to 12 months, at least a year, and never again. The highest percentages were at these two time-span extremes: Sixty-four percent expect to begin bringing in the mail without precautions this summer, and also 64% expect to wait a year or more before attending a sporting event, concert or play. The experts’ plans may help you make your own decisions.

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