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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: E-commerce needs real store locations now more than ever


In order to keep their e-commerce business, retailers are discovering having a physical presence is still important for attracting customers and for cost-savings. This Wall Street Journal article reports the purpose of bricks-and-mortar stores has changed, and is now more targeted at being a distribution point for online orders and a place to try products before buying. Retailers are also increasing their physical presences because the cost of digital customer acquisition has risen 50% over the last five years. Several brands that started online only are now opening physical stores. Amazon is one of those but other retailers like Untuckit, a men’s shirt company, are finding value in in-store shopping. “We don’t look at the stores and e-commerce as separate,” Untuckit CEO Chris Riccobono said. “Bricks-and-mortar is an extension of our online business. We get a bump online within a 10-mile radius of each store we open. Stores are like an inexpensive billboard.”