NOTEBOOK: Who’s in the March 9 issue?
BPC Staff Mar 6, 2018 | 6:51 pm
1 min read time
181 wordsAll Latest News, Business Record Insider, The Insider NotebookHere’s a list of local people in the March 9 issue of the Business Record and the page number of the article in which they are mentioned. Members can read all of this week’s stories at and can access the digital version of the paper by clicking here.
Stephen Baek, 11
Terry Branstad, 8
Donna Burkett, 11
Eric Burmeister, 11
Jake Christensen, 14
Lisa Connell, 5
Jim Cownie, 14
Sloan Cownie, 14
Ryan Davis, 11
Joe DeJong, 4
Tej Dhawan, 11
Debi Durham, 8
Joni Ernst, 8
Alexander Grgurich, 4
Naomi Hamlett, 11
Paul Hayes, 14
Craig Hill, 27
Tony Hogan, 8
Billi Hunt, 6
Jackie Johansen, 11
Linc Kroeger, 11
Kerty Levy, 11
Dave Miller, 8
Mike Naig, 8
Mike Ralston, 8
Mark Recker, 8
Kim Reynolds, 8
Tim Rypma, 14
Kris Saddoris, 4
Madeline Sturms, 4
Greg Wattier, 4
Mark Weisheipl, 4
Brent Willett, 6