One Good Read: Amazon 2nd HQ: Some expect another round of finalists


For a few seconds, Iowa dreamed it might get interest from another high-tech name when Amazon said it was looking for a second headquarters last year. (The news came after Apple announced its data centers would find a home in Waukee. More details here if you need a refresher.) Sites in the Hawkeye State don’t quite meet the online sales giant’s needs. Now the list has been whittled down and it seems the coasts are getting the closer look. USA Today reports: “The finish line is in sight. Amazon has completed the visits it’s been making to the 20 cities winnowed from the initial 238 that wanted to be home to the Seattle company’s second headquarters. Cities are eager to get on to the winning and the enormous financial windfall the prize will bring. But expect more hurdles before the race is over, say observers.” So if there’s potentially another list coming, could the Midwest get another look? It sounds unlikely, but let’s be optimists today. Read more