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Statewide tourism and hospitality awards announced


Iowa Travel Industry Partners (iTIP) announced the winners of its first-ever iTIP Awards. A ceremony will be held during the annual meeting on June 12 in Cedar Falls. The awards recognize individuals, businesses and organizations in Iowa’s tourism and hospitality sector. The recipients were nominated by their peers and selected by the iTIP Foundation board of trustees. The winners include the American Gothic House in Eldon and the Iowa City Downtown District for Arts, Culture & Heritage in the small and large market categories, respectively. Madison County and the Field of Dreams Movie Site in Dyersville tied for the Only in Iowa award. Rising Star awards went to Andy Kelleher of Lansing Main Street in the small market category and Emma Schwaller of Council Bluffs CVB in the large market category. SOMM Wines in Fairfield, King’s Pointe Resort and the city of Storm Lake, and Catch Des Moines were recognized for Service Excellence in the small, medium, and large market categories, respectively. The Blue Water Festival in Okoboji and Wallace Centers of Iowa in Des Moines and Orient won the Sustainability Initiative award in the small and large market categories. Carrie Koelker from Senate District 33 (Dyersville) was named Legislator of the Year, and Nick Pfeiffer from Think Iowa City received the iTIP Partner of the Year award. Ginger Williams from the Charles City Chamber & Tourism was honored with the Abby Kisling Leadership Award, while Carla Eysink from Marion County Development Commission received the Joe Taylor Vision Award. The award ceremony will be hosted by Gary Kroeger, an Iowa native and former “Saturday Night Live” cast member. The annual meeting will feature a keynote speech by Sydney Rieckhoff, CEO of the Almost Famous Popcorn Co. Further information about the event can be found on the Iowa Travel Industry site.