What they’re checking out: Week of March 31
As an ongoing feature, staff members at the Des Moines Public Library will recommend a business-related book to add to your reading list. Find this and more books like it at any of the Des Moines Public Library’s six locations and online at dmpl.org. And find information on how to get a FREE library card and all its benefits at dmpl.org/get-carded.
Des Moines Public Library business book pick: “The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters” by Priya Parker.
Why you should read it: In her 2018 book, Priya Parker, the host of the popular New York Times podcast “Together Apart,” argues that most of our meetings and gatherings are unproductive – and they don’t need to be. Parker offers a new human-centered approach that will help create meaningful experiences at everything from work meetings to dinner parties.