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14 doctors complete Physician Business Leadership Certification program


Fourteen Iowa physicians achieved their Physician Business Leadership Certifications this week after the final educational session at the Iowa Medical Society in Des Moines. The program, which is offered by the Iowa Hospital Association, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Iowa Medical Society and Iowa Academy of Family Physicians, is designed to help physicians gain the tools to become successful leaders. The physicians achieved their certifications by attending quarterly educational sessions and participating in peer-to-peer learning and discussion of best practices. Participants also received two 90-minute executive coaching sessions to develop self-awareness, understand blind spots and enhance their ability to improve their organizations’ cultures. The program, launched in 2019, was designed by Iowa physician executives to prepare physicians interested in developing or enhancing their leadership competencies, broadening their business acumen and understanding of issues important in health care delivery. “Providers are facing an era of change unlike any before,” said Iowa Hospital Association President Chris Mitchell. “During these times, strong leaders who demonstrate innovation and focused decision-making abilities are required. That’s why the four statewide associations partnered to create this valuable program.” For more information about the 2023 Physician Business Leadership Certification Program, contact Corey Martin, vice president, education, Iowa Hospital Association, at 515-288-1955 or martinc@ihaonline.org.