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Thursday, Aug. 22 | Virtual Event | 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

2023 Envision Iowa Statewide Leaders Economic Outlook Survey


The Envision Iowa Statewide Leaders Economic Outlook Survey is a research collaboration between Business Publications Corp. (BPC) and Bâton Global. The survey is designed to provide forward-looking data, analysis and actionable insights to a broad spectrum of decision-makers across Iowa to further the economic growth and vitality of our state by supporting them in making commercial, investment and public-policy decisions that positively influence Iowa’s long-term economic performance.

What local leaders are saying...

“Thank you, BPC, for supporting economic development and challenging each of us to envision the future of Iowa. I have left each of these conversations both challenged and inspired.”

- Debi Durham, director, Iowa Economic Development Authority

“In every corner of the state great things are happening. These stories need to be told.”

– Deb Bengston, president, Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce

“It takes getting the right people to the table in order to make collaboration work.”

– Rich Dwyer, SVP Corporate Affairs, Kent Corporation

“It’s about coming together as community leaders and business leaders and confronting issues that impact our everyday lives.”

- Joe Murphy, president, Iowa Business Council

“We need to take inventory of what we have to offer as a state, the incentives that we have, the events, cultures, arts, all the things that make our quality of life meaningful.”

- Evette Creighton, Director of Talent, Inclusion & Diversity, Transamerica

What is Envision Iowa?

Envision Iowa is an initiative created by Business Publications Corp. to help Iowa thrive and grow. The initiative includes three interactive think tank events containing a keynote, a panel discussion and interactive virtual networking. The think tanks will focus on three key themes necessary for Iowa to advance and grow: people and culture, business opportunities, and infrastructure. In addition to ongoing coverage of the think tanks in Business Record and dsm magazine, the initiative will culminate with a public in-person event on October 4 that will bring together leaders from across the state.

2024 Events

July 18, 2024  |  Think Tank #1
People and Culture: How do we grow our workforce?

Past Events

Envision Iowa Annual In Person Event
Wed., Oct. 4  |  Hilton Garden Inn WDM  |  4 - 6 p.m.

Sept. 21, 2023  |  Think Tank #3
Infrastructure: What is the future of Iowa’s post-pandemic needs?

Aug. 22, 2023  |  Think Tank #2
Business Opportunities: What is the future of Iowa's post-pandemic business climate?

July 20, 2023  |  Think Tank #1
People and Culture: What is the future of Iowa's post-pandemic workforce?

July 19, 2022  |  Think Tank #1
People and Culture: Workforce, DEI, Quality of Life

August 17, 2022  |  Think Tank #2
Business Opportunities: Innovation and Public/Private Partnerships

Sept. 14, 2022  |  Think Tank #3
Infrastructure: Childcare and Housing

Envision Iowa Annual In Person Event
Wed., Oct. 5  |  Hilton Garden Inn  |  4 - 6 p.m.