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2017 in review: Airport project tinkering, pop-up arts, Apple center


This year brought some big news on my beats. Here are a few stories that hit some of the high points. 

– The Des Moines airport authority board launched an effort to trim costs on a proposed $500 million-plus project that would include a new terminal while passenger counts continued to set records and new restaurants, gift shops and bars opened. 

– Apple announced a data center project in Waukee, in line for up to $20 million in state aid. Some found that excessive, but local officials noted the project would be a big boost to local taxes. Kent Darr and I teamed up on coverage that included a look at some public improvements Apple promised

– The Solheim Cup professional women’s golf tournament pitting the United States against Europe went off with few glitches, drawing praise from many and further cementing Greater Des Moines’ reputation as a solid host for national and international sports events. 

– A national study noted that arts and culture pump $185 million into the Greater Des Moines economy each year. This was a big deal given other arts-related moments, including the continued popularity of the Art Route. And in November, Bravo Greater Des Moines and others on a steering committee led by Drake University President Marty Martin called for pop-up concerts and other surprises after a cultural assessment found wide support for public art, music, art buses and other creative ventures. 

– Speaking of culture, the Business Record Sports Department was all over the story about the Minnesota Timberwolves rebranding Des Moines’ professional basketball team as the Iowa Wolves

– In our exclusive report, Christine Hensley announced she was leaving the Des Moines City Council after more than two decades. We looked back at her career. 

– And, finally, we asked five public relations experts for advice on what you should do after a cyberattack.