2020 Women of Influence

BPC Staff Oct 15, 2020 | 8:20 pm
1 min read time
241 wordsAll Latest News, Lift IOWA, Women of Influence
2020 Virtual Celebration:
The Business Record’s Women of Influence awards celebrate the work of women who have made a difference. They’ve devoted their lives to doing things most wouldn’t. They’ve spent countless hours on various boards and they’ve blazed a trail either personally or professionally for other women to follow. Rewatch the 2020 celebration that was held on Aug. 6 here: Watch on Demand
The coronavirus pandemic has required resilience and fortitude from our leaders, many of whom are women. The 2020 Women of Influence honorees are no exception. Their stories of work both past and present are inspiring, especially in a time when we need role models who offer humility and thoughtfulness.
This year’s honorees dedicate time, resources and effort to businesses and community organizations. They lead in top jobs at companies large and not-so-large. They plan headlining events and strategies that will transform Greater Des Moines and families. They have earned multiple degrees. They come from different backgrounds. They have overcome challenges and embraced opportunities.
They are not simply influential because of what they do or have done but also because of who they are.
This is the 21st year the Business Record has honored inspiring and influential women. They’ve amassed a tremendous amount of experience and wisdom and showcased integrity, grace and intelligence.