AABP EP Awards 728x90

$350K in competitive grants fund seven new college and career counselors


The Iowa Department of Education announced it has awarded seven $50,000 competitive grants to help establish new college and career transition counselor positions at Iowa community colleges. The new positions will focus on preparing more high school students for success in college, postsecondary career training and the workforce. Des Moines Area Community College, Eastern Iowa Community College, and Indian Hills Community College each were awarded one start-up grant, and Iowa Central Community College and North Iowa Area Community College were awarded two start-up grants to support new college and career transition counselors who will work in partnership with area school districts to support students and families with career exploration and the transition to college and career training. To make these shared positions sustainable, ongoing funding will be provided by the colleges and districts, the department said. The grants will support seven new college and career transition counselors who will work with students in 14 school districts across the state: Ballard, Belmond-Klemme, Clear Lake, Colo-NESCO, Davis County, Fort Dodge, Lake Mills, Moulton-Udell, Newell-Fonda, North Scott, Osage, Wayne, West Fork and West Hancock. This is the second year of awards. Applications for a future three-year grant cycle will be open in 2023.