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6th Avenue improvement project set to start Feb. 28


The city of Des Moines and the 6th Avenue Corridor Urban Neighborhood Main Street Program are breaking ground on Phase I of the 6th Avenue Corridor Streetscape Project at 11:30 a.m. Feb. 28 at 1714 Sixth Ave., according to a release. A reception with refreshments will follow in the community room at the Apartments of River Trace, 1717 Sixth Ave. Phase I will focus on Sixth between Hickman and College avenues. Phases II and III will complete the project south to Interstate 235. The 1.2 mile total project will invest up to an estimated $8 million into the historic northside corridor. Specific streetscape enhancements include a lane reduction to calm traffic, widened sidewalks, a multimodal path to accommodate bicyclists, and bioretention cells to filter stormwater. Trees, dedicated parking, bus shelters, benches, public art and new lighting will be added. If the weather turns sour, the groundbreaking will be 11:30 a.m. March 7.