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A new star to the east?

Through July 31, the city of Altoona issued 139 building permits for more than 400,000 square feet with a valuation of $53 million. For the same period last year, the city issued permits valued at $23 million.

The numbers for July were impressive, accounting for $31 million of the six-month total valuation, according to a release.

Those permits included a $6.6 million expansion at cloud service provider LightEdge Solutions Inc., which plans to add 48,171 square feet to its existing facility.

Also on the ledger was Facebook Inc.’s nearly $1.5 million, 45,000-square-foot expansion of a third building at its $1 billion data center.

In addition, Ironwood Apartments, a luxury living apartment complex that will have eight multiunit buildings, pulled a permit valued at $4.5 million for 46,556 feet of new construction. Four of the eight units at Ironwood have been completed and two more are under construction.

In releasing the building permit report, Altoona City Administrator Jeff Mark called the city “Iowa’s rising star.”