ACLU announces three NAACP leaders as Iowa Louise Noun Award winners
Recognizing work done on racial justice, the Iowa ACLU announced Iowa-Nebraska NAACP leaders Betty Andrews, Russell Lovell and David Walker as the 2018 Louise Noun Award winners, the ACLU said in a statement on Friday. Andrews is president of the Iowa-Nebraska NAACP State Conference of Branches and leads Betty Andrews Media; Lovell is a retired Drake University law professor, is co-chair of the NAACP Legal Redress Committee and volunteer attorney for more than four decades; and Walker, also a co-chair of the Legal Redress Committee, is a retired Drake University law professor and former Law School dean. The Louise Noun Award is given annually to Iowans “who have made significant strides or displayed uncommon courage on behalf of civil liberties in the state,” according to the ACLU of Iowa.