Americans lacking high insurance IQ
Answer these three questions – if you can.
Does automobile insurance cover personal property stolen from your car? At what age do most people become eligible for Medicare? Can credit scores affect your auto insurance premium?
These are three questions from a 10-question “Insurance IQ test” included in a survey by the Iowa Insurance Division (IID) and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).
The average score of the 1,000 respondents was four out of 10 — an “F” on a standard high school grading scale.
The survey also found that only 45 percent of Americans feel confident making insurance decisions and more than 60 percent failed to correctly answer basic questions about health insurance. The survey found that 55 percent of Americans don’t understand what a pre-existing condition is, and that 86 percent of respondents said they didn’t understand the terms being used in the current discussion on healthcare reform.
“Consumers today are being forced to make difficult decisions about their insurance coverage — decisions that could have a very profound impact on their financial future,” said Iowa Insurance Commissioner Susan Voss in a press release. “At the same time, they are being overwhelmed with new and sometimes conflicting information about changes to our nation’s healthcare policies.”
Voss said consumers should do their homework and brush up on the facts to improve their insurance IQ, so they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families.
Oh, and we’re sure you got the answers to our little pop quiz, but if not, here they are: No; 65 years of age; yes.
How’d you do?
Chin up. If you got at least two out of three (66 percent), correct you beat the nation. And don’t “Ds” get degrees? If you didn’t do that well, click here for five tips from the IID to improve your insurance IQ. You can also learn more about different types of insurance and test yourself by taking an insurance IQ quiz at