AmeriCorps opens applications for volunteer management grants


AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism, has released a notice of funding opportunity for the fiscal year 2023 Volunteer Generation Fund. The Volunteer Generation Fund is open to State Service Commissions, local nonprofits, community, faith-based, tribal, state, and local governments, and schools. The grants awarded are intended to help organizations recruit, retain and manage volunteers. According to a news release, AmeriCorps will make more than $8 million available through the fund for organizations with programs that meet community needs, expand volunteering, strengthen the capacity to recruit and retain skill-based volunteers and develop strategies to use volunteers effectively to solve problems. AmeriCorps’ priorities for this funding opportunity include programs that engage volunteers to support high-impact tutoring, mentoring and other school-based or out-of-school programs for student academic, mental and overall well-being and work plans that advance justice and equality in historically underserved communities. Last year, AmeriCorps invested $6.6 million in Volunteer Generation Fund grants, the release said. The application deadline is May 16 at 5 p.m. More information about the fund and applying is available at this link.

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