April Fool’s Day a mixed bag


Well, the Des Moines Police Department had a little fun with April Fool’s Day this morning, at first listing speed-camera locations that turned out to be everything from the “Cheers” bar in Boston and the British prime minister’s office to Fred Flintstone’s house and Kinnick Stadium, where Hawkeye helmets sport Fred Flintstone’s head turned facedown

Mobility Lab wrote in the subject line of an email that all Los Angeles freeways were closed indefinitely for repairs, but the great purveyor of policy analysis on transportation issues was just joshing. 

On a more serious note, the Independent reports Microsoft didn’t have that much of a sense of humor, ordering its employees not to partake in such goofiness, because it has a tendency to confuse people. “I appreciate that people may have devoted time and resources to these activities, but I believe we have more to lose than gain by attempting to be funny on this one day,” Microsoft marketing chief Chris Capossela wrote in a memo.