AABP EP Awards 728x90

Aug. 29: Empowering EDCI: A Night in the Tropics


Host: Eating Disorder Coalition of Iowa 
About: “An Evening in the Tropics — Empowering EDCI,” a night of celebration, hope and investment with entertainment provided by Tropical Steel (pan drums). Eating disorders do not discriminate; all ages/races/genders/socioeconomic levels are at risk. When an individual struggles with an eating disorder, everyone in their life is affected. People are often left unsure where to turn for help or how to talk with someone they are concerned about. Iowans are in great need of resources. EDCI is working to advocate for what is needed; come for the fun, invest in the future.
When: 6-9 p.m.
Where: West End Architectural Salvage
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