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Biodiesel board to testify on RFS volumes


Members of the Iowa Biodiesel Board will convoy to Kansas City today in biodiesel-fueled vehicles to testify on behalf of the fuel’s future in the Renewable Fuel Standard, the organization said in a release. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will conduct a hearing Thursday on proposed renewable fuel volumes under the federal RFS. In biodiesel’s primary RFS category, “biomass-based diesel,” the EPA has proposed 1.63 billion gallons in 2014, with gradual growth of about 100 million gallons per year to a standard of 1.9 billion gallons in 2017. Growth is also planned for the Advanced Biofuel category. While most industry leaders do not take issue with the proposed 2014 and 2015 biodiesel volumes, the consensus is that 2016 and 2017 have been set too low. The board is seeking a final rule closer to the industry’s initial request of 2.4 billion gallons for 2016 and 2.7 billion gallons for 2017.