AABP EP Awards 728x90

Bridges of Iowa Inc. to buy new passenger vans with $100K Prairie Meadows grant


Bridges of Iowa Inc. will use a $100,000 Legacy Grant from Prairie Meadows to buy three new 15-passenger vans to help clients overcome transportation barriers. Bridges of Iowa is a long-term substance abuse and addiction treatment center based in Polk County. “Our vans are literally on the road from sunup to sundown, helping clients get to a variety of appointments from medical to job interviews,” said Pat Coughlin, CEO of Bridges of Iowa. “As part of our long-term sustainability plan, we wanted to replace all of our vans, which together had turned over hundreds of thousands of miles and were facing significant costs in repairs. This Legacy Grant complemented other funding and ensured we could purchase new vans in 2022.” The grant was awarded in 2021, but with supply chain shortages, the vans were not available to buy until this summer. Jeff Lamberti, chair of the Bridges of Iowa board, called the Legacy Grant a “difference-maker” for the agency’s clients. “Lowering the transportation hurdle is an important step in their recovery and journey to a healthy and productive life,” he said. Bridges of Iowa serves clients with high- and low-intensity residential treatment in the west wing of the Polk County Jail.

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