Bryan Boesen is a ‘Rising Star’ at Smith Barney


When Bryan Boesen attended the University of Iowa, he studied information systems and marketing. Information systems require analytical thought, and marketing requires a more subjective mindset. Boesen says working in finance has allowed him to use both sides of his brain, giving him the best of both worlds.

“When I graduated, it seemed like the natural thing was to move to Chicago,” he said. Most of his classmates seemed to gravitate toward the city, but when Boesen considered working for information technology firms in Chicago, he had second thoughts.

“I didn’t know if I wanted to do that,” Boesen said. “Growing up with the family floral business meant working with people. I thought I would miss that.”

He took a step back and began to think about what he might enjoy doing for a living. The more he thought about a job in finance, the more it appealed to him. Eventually he decided to come home to Des Moines and apply at Smith Barney Inc.

“Bryan was hired directly out of college, a sometimes uncommon business practice for our industry,” said James Willer, senior vice president and branch manager of Smith Barney.

Getting the job without a degree in finance or experience in the field was challenging for Boesen. He went through a process of seven interviews and was required to formulate a business plan and pass several tests.

“Your first day, you’re thrown into a room full of books. You study for three months, take [a series of tests] and you’re fired if you don’t pass,” he said. Boesen did pass, and after training in New York was ready to start his career.

Boesen, 26, works as a financial consultant in Smith Barney’s Constantine-Boesen Group with Senior Partner Jamie Constantine.

“We’re in the business of wealth management,” he said. Boesen’s team helps individuals of “substantial wealth” with financial planning and asset and liability management.   His first year with the firm, his colleagues gave him the “Rising Star” award in recognition of his achievements.

“It was a pretty nice accomplishment,” Boesen said. “But I’m really proud of my decision to come back to Des Moines.”  

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