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By the numbers: Women’s Pay Equality


Gaining but not equal

Some recent studies say women are losing ground in the quest for pay equality. However, survey results released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show a different picture.*

62% The salary average for female workers as a percentage of men’s salary average  in 1979

82% The salary average for female workers as a percentage of the salary average for men in 2011

$684 Median weekly earnings for women in 2011

$832 Median weekly earnings for men in 2011

Women lose pace as they age

The study shows that while women start out near men in salaries in their 20s, they begin to lose ground at age 35 and, on average, continue to fall behind for the rest of their working lives.

92% Women’s percentage of men’s average salary from ages 25-34

78% Women’s percentage of men’s average salary from ages 35-44

76% Women’s percentage of men’s average salary from ages 45-54

75% Women’s percentage of men’s average salary from ages 55-64

*The comparisons of earnings in this report are on a broad level and do not control for many factors that can be significant in explaining earnings differences.

Source:  by the U.S. Census Bureau for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.