Economic Development

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Capital Crossroads

The Capital Crossroads regional planning project isn’t the first such process in Greater Des Moines, but it is the most comprehensive and covers a larger area than any previous efforts. This site serves the purpose …

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A treasure in Treasuries

A financial model created by economists at the Federal Reserve that includes expectations for interest rates, growth and inflation shows 10-year U.S. Treasury notes are the most overvalued ever, Bloomberg reported.

As Treasuries hover near …

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Survey finds spotty growth in the service sector

The U.S. service sector expanded at a slightly faster pace in August, but growth was spotty and prices paid for raw materials shot up, according to a survey of senior executives, MarketWatch reported.

The Institute …

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Iowa business economic outlook drops, but remains positive overall

Optimism among Iowa businesses took a drop in the third quarter, but sentiment is still positive.

The Iowa Business Council (IBC) today released results of its third-quarter Overall Economic Outlook Survey Index (OSI), which read …

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Study: CEO turnover at highest level since 2005

U.S. companies are hiring new CEOs this year at the quickest pace since 2005 as directors seek growth after putting off management changes during the recession, Bloomberg reported.

Turnover is running at a 13 percent …

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Business conditions fall in Iowa, Midwest in August

The Creighton Economic Forecasting Group’s Business Conditions Index for the nine-state Mid-America region fell in August, the group said today. The index is an economic indicator compiled from a monthly survey of supply managers.

The …

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Self-employed businesses have declined since 2007

More than 1 million formerly self-employed Americans are no longer in business almost four years after the last recession began, Bloomberg reported.

The 18-month contraction that started in December 2007 initially resulted in more business …

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$3 million benefit expected from Hy-Vee Triathlon

The three-day 2011 Hy-Vee Triathlon, which begins Friday, is expected to have a $3 million economic impact on the area, according to the Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau. 

“We’re extremely fortunate to host …

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Consumer confidence takes sharp drop

Consumer spending increased last month, but consumer confidence didn’t follow.

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had improved slightly in July, plummeted in August, the board said today. The index is now at 44.5, …

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Consumer spending beats analysts’ estimates in July

Consumer spending rose more than forecast in July as Americans dipped into savings to buy cars and cool their homes, showing the largest part of the economy is holding up, Bloomberg reported.

Purchases rose 0.8 …