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IPTV to host presidential debate on manufacturing

Iowa Public Television (IPTV) will broadcast a Republican Party presidential debate Nov. 1 that is sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). IPTV also will make the forum available for live and archived streaming …

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Chrysler, auto workers reach tentative agreement

The United Auto Workers (UAW) and Chrysler Group LLC have reached a tentative agreement on a four-year labor contract for the No. 3 U.S. automaker’s 26,000 hourly production workers, the union said this morning. The agreement …

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Advanced manufacturing leads Iowa patent growth

The “vast majority” of patents issued in Iowa are being generated in advanced manufacturing research areas, according to a report released yesterday by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. According to the briefing paper prepared for …

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Capital goods orders up 1.1 percent

U.S. businesses shrugged off an uncertain economic environment and stepped up orders for capital goods in August, a sign the economy was not falling back into recession, Reuters reported.  


The Commerce Department said …

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Midwest manufacturing posted increases in August and July

A measure of manufacturing activity in the Midwest increased 0.6 percent last month and 0.3 percent in July.

Regional output rose 7.6 percent in August from a year earlier, the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank said …

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