Real Estate and Development

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NAR: Commercial vacancy rates may have peaked

Commercial property vacancy rates in the United States may have peaked, and the multifamily rental market is leading the way toward higher occupancy, Bloomberg reported.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) said Monday that the …

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Distressed property listings to grow

Interest in distressed commercial properties is growing around the globe, PropertyWire reported. Respondents to a survey conducted by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors said they expect the United States, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Hungary and …

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Troubled CRE loans plague small banks, small businesses

The U.S. economy is showing signs of improvement, but the problems confronting community banks may hinder the growth of small businesses, The Huffington Post reported.

Many small banks are facing balance sheets full of troubled …

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CBRE wins international award

Los Angeles-based CB Richard Ellis Group Inc. (CBRE) was named the “Best International Property Consultancy” of 2010 at the International Property Awards, which were announced on Nov. 27 in London. CBRE also received the “Best …

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Apple poised to expand headquarters

Apple Inc. has purchased a 98-acre property, which will allow the iPad and iPhone manufacturer to nearly double the size of its headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., the San Jose Mercury News reported. Apple, which in …


What’s the big deal?

An inside joke used to run through the offices of the Greater Dubuque Development Corp. that started like this: “Let’s treat every proposal like it’s IBM.”

The rest of the joke was “it will be …

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$250,000 grant will support Drake Neighborhood revitalization

The Polk County Housing Trust Fund has received a $250,000 grant from Wells Fargo’s Housing Foundation and a pledge of more than 200 hours of volunteer assistance from Wells Fargo employees. The funding and volunteers …

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Some General Growth debt to be repackaged into CMBS

General Growth Properties Inc., the Chicago-based mall owner that recently exited from bankruptcy protection, is expected to refinance some of the $15 billion in mortgages it restructured during the Chapter 11 process.

A big portion …

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Consumer confidence primed with perks

More U.S. households plan to hit the mall this month as owners across the country lure shoppers with prizes and freebies on Black Friday, Retail Traffic reported.

Offering discounts is the best way to get …

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Ladco considers more housing

Ladco Development Inc. is planning the next stage of residential development at the Village of Ponderosa in West Des Moines. Chris Shires, the city’s development manager, said Ladco told the city during a pre-application meeting …