Chase opens second Iowa branch, on south side


Chase Bank, the U.S. consumer and commercial banking business of JPMorgan Chase & Co., announced that it recently opened its second Iowa retail branch, located at 6150 S.E. 14th St. in Des Moines. The branch features self-service transaction areas, including a digital access bar and two 24-hour ATMs. It also features Chase Private Client offices, teller services, a night depository and free Wi-Fi. Chase has staffed the branch with 10 local employees, including personal bankers, associate bankers, private client specialists and advisers, and home lending and business banking specialists. “We look forward to continue establishing our roots in Iowa and [to having] this branch serve as a home for existing and future Chase customers in the south Des Moines area,” said Johnny Cintron, who manages the new branch. Chase officially opened its first Iowa branch in August 2021 on Merle Hay Road in Des Moines. It plans to open additional locations in the Des Moines metro area over the next couple of years.