Commission approves funding for public transit projects, aviation programs
The Iowa Transportation Commission voted this week to approve funding for three public transit projects, as well as the 2021 State Aviation Program. The commission met Monday and approved $1.1 million through the state’s Public Transit Infrastructure Grant Fund, which allows transit systems to apply for funding that provides an 80% match of project costs. To be eligible, a transit system must secure a local match of 20%. The three projects that were approved were:
- West Burlington Vehicle Storage Facility — $400,000.
- Cedar Rapids — $461,395 for a remodeled bus storage and administrative facility.
- CyRide in Ames — $292,093 for a new heating and air conditioning system.
The commission also approved $4.8 million for the fiscal year 2021 State Aviation Program.The program includes $3 million for a variety of aviation safety initiatives, system planning, and air service development activities. It will also provide funding for airport development projects at eight airports in Iowa. It also includes $1.8 million for projects at 12 general aviation airports and eight commercial service airports in Iowa. Funding for the State Aviation Program is down from $7.6 million in the previous year as fuel tax revenues and available funding from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund have declined during the coronavirus pandemic.