Count the Kicks and Wellmark to host millennial pregnancy webinar


Count the Kicks, an organization that aims to prevent stillbirths and infant deaths, and Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield are hosting a virtual webinar to educate expectant parents and the health care providers who care for them about trends in pregnancy outcomes for millennials. Millennial birthing parents make up 85% of all pregnancies and while the majority experience a healthy pregnancy, recent analysis shows that the millennial generation is experiencing some of the highest increases in health conditions that are linked with higher risks of pregnancy and childbirth complications. “With changes to prenatal appointment schedules and a shift to some telehealth appointments, now is an especially important time for women and providers to have ongoing conversations about fetal movement throughout the third trimester of pregnancy. It is also important for expectant women to understand some of the potential pregnancy complications that can arise. We hope this webinar will equip millennial moms with ways to focus on their own health and the health of their baby,” said Emily Price, executive director of Healthy Birth Day. The webinar is on March 9 at noon and is open to anyone. Those interested in signing up to attend can do so here.