D.M. residents collect 7,120 signatures in effort to halt $19.5 million high school stadium
BPC Staff Jun 3, 2020 | 8:35 pm
1 min read time
132 wordsAll Latest News, Education, Government Policy and Law, Statewide NewsDes Moines Register: Des Moines residents hoping to stop Des Moines Public Schools from building a $19.5 million football and soccer stadium on the Drake University campus turned in a petition Tuesday signed by 7,120 people. The signatures, if certified, should be enough to force a public vote on the issue. The Des Moines school district last fall announced its plan to build a 4,000-seat stadium east of Drake’s Knapp Center. The stadium would serve as the home field for the Hoover, Lincoln, North and Roosevelt football teams, and soccer teams from all five high schools would play some games there. Opponents say the combined stadium, which would be located more than 2 miles from the closest school, creates barriers for students and fans who want to participate in high school sports.