Des Moines ranks among most sustainable cities by Site Selection magazine
Des Moines has been named one of the top sustainable metro areas in the country by Site Selection magazine. According to Site Selection’s July 2021 issue, Des Moines was ranked the No. 1 Most Sustainable Metro in the west-north-central region, and No. 4 Most Sustainable in the country. Sioux City, Omaha-Council Bluffs, Davenport, Cedar Rapids and Dubuque also made the list for the west-north-central region. Overall, Iowa ranked the second Most Sustainable State in the region. The rankings are based on the number of LEED-certified buildings, green industry projects, Energy Star buildings, brownfield grants and brownfield cleanups. Brian Crowe, executive vice president of economic development at the Greater Des Moines Partnership, said metro regions that prioritize sustainability are better positioned for attracting economic development projects. “This ranking adds to the fabric of what makes DSM a strong region for companies to relocate to or expand in, and is another selling point for prospective talent,” he said. Site Selection provides expansion planning information to 45,000 executives of fast-growing firms.