AABP EP Awards 728x90

Des Moines to take another step forward in acquisition of superfund site


The city of Des Moines has wrestled with the Dico superfund site along the Raccoon River near Fleur Drive and Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway for better than two decades. So what happens when you want to acquire the 38-acre site and need representation by attorneys specializing in environmental law? Look outside of Greater Des Moines, where lawyers with the specialty have represented one of many sides in the issue over the years. As a result, the Des Moines City Council will today on hiring Steven Pace and Kelly Cwiertny of the Cedar Rapids law firm Shuttleworth & Ingersoll in efforts to acquire the site and meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations in the proces, all with the eye of building a new police station. Pace will be paid $33O an hour and Cwiertny $265 for their efforts, which could focus in part on working with the EPA and the U.S. Justice Department to have the site transferred in lieu of payment of $11 million fines that were ordered against Dico Inc., Titan Tire Corp. and their parent, Titan International Inc., for allegedly selling contaminated buildings to avoid cleaning up the site.