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Des Moines Water Works receives national, international energy certifications


Des Moines Water Works is the only water utility in the country to be certified for recognized energy management standards on the national and international stage. In a news release, officials said the utility’s three treatment plants are all certified to ISO 50001 and SEP 50001 Gold following an audit that included a review by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Superior Energy Performance Group. Previously, only the utility’s Fleur Drive treatment plant was ISO 50001-certified in 2017. The ISO 50001 recognition is an international standard by the International Organization for Standardization, and contains requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system to continually improve energy performance, efficiency, security, use and consumption. Ted Corrigan, CEO and general manager of Des Moines Water Works, said the recent recognition aligns with the utility’s mission and values. “This is an accomplishment every [Water Works] employee can be proud of because so many of them are involved in the day-to-day implementation of the practices,” he said. According to the release, Des Moines Water Works reduced its total CO2 emissions by nearly 26,000 metric tons in the four years that ended December 2020. During that time, the utility saved more than $830,000 on electricity, natural gas, LP, gasoline and diesel fuel. “Managing our energy use is one of the many responsibilities we have to our customers,” Corrigan said. “ISO 50001 certification shows we are doing it at the highest level.”

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