DMU tops nation in graduates and family medicine residents


Des Moines University was recognized this week in a national report as having the most graduates of any U.S. medical school, and the largest percentage of graduates entering family medicine as a first-year resident. In its annual report, the American Academy of Family Physicians reported that DMU had 68 graduates in 2015, of whom 32.7 percent entered family medicine. Medical schools in the U.S. had 24,243 graduates from July 2014 to June 2015, and of those graduates, just over 10 percent chose family medicine as a specialty. This year’s report for the first time looked at the production of family physicians by medical schools in each state. “Primary care has been demonstrated to improve health care outcomes and reduce health disparities while reducing per capita costs,” the report’s authors said. The report concluded that U.S. medical schools aren’t producing enough primary care physicians to meet the nation’s needs.