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Drake establishes conditional admission for CBPA graduate programs


Drake University’s College of Business and Public Administration announced it is modifying admission requirements for its graduate programs in an effort to attract more working professionals. Well-qualified applicants may be admitted without having to complete the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). “Our graduate programs cater toward working professionals,” said Dianna Gray, the college’s director of graduate admission and engagement. “These individuals often have professional and personal commitments that hinder them from studying or potentially paying for the traditional admission exams, so we worked toward implementing a conditional admission path to ease that transition.” The condition is that students must achieve a B or higher in their first six semester credits, after which they will be granted full graduate student standing. Admission with condition is available for students interested in Drake’s Master of Accounting, Master of Business Administration, Master of Data Analytics Leadership and Master of Public Administration programs. Students on this admission path still qualify to receive financial aid.