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Easterseals buys three accessibility vans, thanks to Merchants Bonding fundraiser


Easterseals Iowa has purchased three new accessibility vans and completed a final ride in partnership with the Iowa Speedway this year after Merchants Bonding Co. raised $152,000 for the nonprofit during the 2018 Bill Warner Sr. Memorial Charity Golf Classic, Easterseals Iowa announced. The three vans can each transport 20 members of Easterseals’ Life Club adult day programming, which builds social and community skills in individuals, giving caretakers time to work. The vans, purchased in 2019, allow Life Club to transport more members to special events and field trips. Previously, Life Club could only transport 20 of the about 100 individuals it serves each year, an Easterseals representative told the Business Record. On Sunday, Merchants Bonding Co. and the Iowa Speedway also helped an Easterseals client named Tim to complete his final ride in a race car as part of the 2018 partnership #GetTimARide, which allowed Tim to ride in a police car and a firetruck.