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Flourish seeks women, gender nonconforming entrepreneurs, to apply for cash prizes

The organizers of Flourish are seeking applicants for its annual pitch event, which ultimately provides cash for women entrepreneurs and gender nonconforming entrepreneurs. Flourish is hosted by FuseDSM and Love Local. This year’s event will be Sept. 26 at Willow on Grand, 6011 Grand Ave., in Des Moines. Applications are due Aug. 20. “Getting the community engaged in learning about and funding local ideas not only creates more success for business owners, but it builds local pride – knowing your own dollars are backing meaningful ideas,” Emily Steele, founder of Flourish, said in a news release. Three people will be chosen from the applicants to pitch their ideas to a live audience. At the end of the event, the audience will vote on who they want the money to go to. Proceeds from all ticket sales go to the winner. In 2023, the event raised $3,000 to invest in Pie Bird Pies and Bread by Chelsa B as they opened a bakery together. The other finalists, Des Moines Girl, and DSM Culinary, received $500 each.  To learn more visit www.love-local.co/flourish.