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Global Insurance Symposium registration opens


Registration is now open for the second annual Global Insurance Symposium to be held May 26-28 in Des Moines. Speakers will address a variety of themes affecting the insurance industry, including cybersecurity, big data and innovation. Sessions will include CEO roundtables, keynote addresses and breakout sessions. Among the speakers scheduled are Thomas Sullivan, an associate director with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors who leads the agency on insurance supervisory and regulatory matters. Also speaking will be Daud Vicary Abdullah, president and CEO of The Global University of Islamic Finance, as well as state insurance commissioners Ken Kobylowski (New Jersey); John Huff (Missouri); Ted Nickel (Wisconsin) and Kevin McCarty (Florida). New this year will be presentations by the first group of technology companies involved in the Global Insurance Accelerator, a mentor-driven 100-day accelerator program in Des Moines. For more information and to register, visit www.globalinsurancesymposium.com.