Golf outing raises $142,000 for families of fallen construction workers

Business Record Staff Sep 24, 2024 | 4:01 pm
1 min read time
172 wordsAll Latest News, Nonprofits and PhilanthropyCemen Tech and Master Builders of Iowa raised more than $142,000 during a recent golf outing for Construction Angels, a nonprofit that provides financial aid, counseling and scholarships to families of construction workers who died while working on a jobsite. The two organizations partnered with construction industry members and supporters to hold the Iowa Construction Angels Golf Outing at the Legacy Golf Course in Norwalk on Sept. 11. “Our construction workforce is the backbone of Iowa’s growth and success. Master Builders of Iowa is honored to support such an important organization and help provide much-needed assistance to those who unexpectedly experience the loss of a loved one,” Chad Kleppe, president and CEO of Master Builders of Iowa, said in a prepared statement. “This event underscores our commitment to the people who make Iowa strong and the lasting impact they leave behind.” Connor Deering, CEO and president of Cemen Tech, said, “Seeing the industry come together to raise awareness and funding for Construction Angels shows our deep sense of community and responsibility to each other.”