Goodwill of Central Iowa increases hourly wages for store workers


Goodwill of Central Iowa announced that its retail store workers’ wages will be increased to up to $15 hourly, effective this week. The wage adjustment will benefit 75% of the organization’s current employees, with some receiving an increase up to $4.50 an hour. The new policy represents an investment of nearly $1.2 million in 2021; new hires will receive a starting wage between $14 and $15 an hour. “Goodwill’s mission is to change the lives of Central Iowans by helping individuals earn and keep jobs,” said Mary Hunter, the organization’s president and CEO. The Johnston-based nonprofit independently operates 15 retail stores in its 22-county territory, including the Des Moines metro, Newton, Indianola, Ames, Marshalltown and Boone. In an average year, the organization receives approximately 450,000 donations and serves more than 1 million customers. Sales from Goodwill’s retail stores are used to support its local mission programs including industry-specific skills training, job development and job coaching for individuals with barriers to employment such as disability, lack of transportation or mental illness.