Guest opinion: How to conduct a midyear review


Since my birthday falls in June, and since I am obsessed with all things goal-setting and planning, I always set aside time during this month to review where I am, where I’m headed, and what needs to happen to make this (or any) year the best one yet.

As we reach the middle of 2020, more people than ever seem to find themselves in a similar “life evaluation” mode. Whether our current global experiences have made you reconsider your priorities, question your future career path, or have simply brought more time (desired or not) for quiet introspection, you may find yourself looking at things a bit differently as well.

Although I conduct my Mid-Year Review + Planning Session as a solo exercise, I want to invite you in on the process to help you decide and design, with intention, what you will celebrate when the end of the year rolls around.

Start by blocking time in your calendar. I’d suggest two 90-minute sessions  one for the reflection portion and one for the planning  but adjust to meet your own needs. Gather a journal or notebook, pen and beverage, and find a location where interruptions are unlikely. These days that might look like a corner of your yard or a section of your basement with a “Do Not Disturb” sign nearby; again, whatever works.

Then, free-write your thoughts and experiences about the first half of your year. You might address questions such as:

  • What has gone well? What am I celebrating?
  • What progress have I made toward my goals?
  • What habits or routines have I established or continued?
  • What people, causes or organizations have I helped?
  • What actions have I taken toward my professional development? My personal growth?
  • What relationships have I formed or strengthened?
  • What have I learned about myself, work, time and life?

Allow yourself to write without judgment, guilt or any sense of the word “should” appearing. You’re merely serving as an objective observer of the past.

Next, whether later that afternoon or later in the week, begin envisioning the second half of your year. You can use the same questions above but switched to future tense; for example, “On Dec. 31, what will I be celebrating? What habits or routines will I have established? What causes will I have helped, and how?” and so on.

To say this year looks different than many of us had planned may be the understatement of the century — but that doesn’t mean it’s any less valuable, any less enlightening, and any less filled
with both celebratory and instructive moments. Honor what you’ve learned, and commit to growth and positive change going forward.

If you’d like the Mid-Year Review + Planning worksheet I will use during my own session, let me know and I’ll be happy to send it to you! Here’s to making the rest of your year the best of your year.

Christi Hegstad is a certified executive and personal coach. Email to request your complimentary Mid-Year Review + Planning worksheet. You can also connect with Christi on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook at @ChristiHegstad.