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Healthiest State kicks off Make It OK awareness campaign


The Healthiest State Initiative formally launched the Make It OK awareness campaign for Iowa this week during its annual conference, which was held Tuesday at the Scheman Center on the Iowa State University campus. The Make It OK initiative, developed by Minnesota-based HealthPartners Inc., provides organizations and individuals with simple tools for overcoming the stigma that people with mental illness face. “Make It OK is here to help educate Iowans and get the conversations going. Start by learning what a mental illness really is,” the website says. “Then, find out what to say and not to say when someone opens up to you. You can also help others by sharing your own story to help people know they aren’t alone.” Education resources, including downloadable posters and short presentations, are available on the site, and organizations and individuals can sign up on the site to serve as Make It OK ambassadors at three different levels of participation depending on their readiness.