Home Base Iowa to offer walk-in access to career planning


Iowa veterans and their spouses will have walk-in access to professional career planning in Central Iowa. According to a news release, a career planner from Home Base Iowa will be available at Camp Dodge from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The service is available to veterans, active duty members and their spouses. They will receive resume assistance and advice on career exploration and be connected with Home Base Iowa-affiliated employers. Career planners will also provide access to career tools such as workshops, mock interviews and hiring sessions at IowaWORKS job centers. Assistance to employment pathways, such as apprenticeships, certificate programs and higher education, will also be available. Home Base Iowa connects businesses with qualified veterans and their spouses to provide career opportunities as they transition to civilian life. There are currently more than 2,400 businesses in Iowa participating in the program. Jathan Chicoine, Home Base Iowa program coordinator, said the need for qualified, dependable workers has never been greater, and the walk-in access to career planning will help meet that demand. “This critical new tool will help expand HBI’s outreach across the state while attracting more skilled and qualified employees into Iowa’s workforce,” Chicoine said in the release.