Human trafficking and prevention are topics for Rotary Multi-Club Committee public forum


A public forum titled “Putting an End to Human Trafficking” is planned for Sept. 24 in West Des Moines. The Rotary Multi-Club Committee of Greater Des Moines, which includes representatives of metro-area Rotary Clubs, is the host, according to a news release. The program will run from 5 to 6:45 p.m. Sept. 24, with networking to follow. The forum will be at Hilton Garden Inn in West Des Moines, located at 205 S 64th Street. Panelists for the forum include Dan Nash, founder of the Human Trafficking Training Center; Brady Carney, director of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; and Iowa Department of Public Safety Special Agent Ray Fiedler. The Business Record is among the Rotary Club and corporate partners for the event. The cost is $25 per person; attendees can register at this link. Proceeds will support training for Iowa law enforcement officers and partners on human trafficking prevention.