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IBC calls for action on workforce, taxes, housing


The Iowa Business Council today called for state lawmakers to increase spending on workforce development, to address needs in child care and housing, and to revamp the tax code. 

“As we look to 2020, the Iowa Business Council will be a strong advocate for growing a future ready workforce and fostering a strong economic landscape for all Iowans to thrive,” IBC Board Chair Mary Andringa said in a statement. “Through IBC’s forums, meetings and research, we have outlined critical priorities to our members, the communities they are invested in, and therefore, the state as a whole. We look forward to working with the General Assembly, the Governor and her administration to advance issues that ensure Iowa’s overall success.” 

On the IBC’s wish list:
•  Spending on Future Ready Iowa, one of the state’s main workforce development initiatives.
•  Legislation to eliminate situations in which an employee loses child care assistance after getting a raise or promotion in a modest job.
•  A simple, transparent and stable tax structure that is competitive. 
•  Expansion of workforce housing tax credits.

The nonprofit, nonpartisan Iowa Business Council represents 23 of the state’s largest employers.