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In Case You Missed It – Lift IOWA: 4-16-18



ICR Iowa and the Employee Resources Group Consortium (ERGC) have announced a new partnership to support attraction and retention of diverse professionals. Corridor Business Journal 

Iowa State University wants to expand the practice of charging higher tuition for high-demand majors, known as differential tuition, in a move that would encompass just under half of ISU’s undergraduate majors. Des Moines Register 

Lena Hill, senior associate to the president, interim chief diversity officer, and associate vice president at the University of Iowa, has been named dean of the College at Washington and Lee University in Virginia. Corridor Business Journal

Claire Kranto’s new clothing, shoes and accessories store at Southridge Mall in Des Moines has a distinct African influence. Des Moines Register 


Women who have their first child before 25 or after 35 eventually close the salary divide with their husbands. It’s the years in between that are most problematic, research shows. The New York Times 

A state-by-state analysis of data on the economic status of women shows limited improvement since 2015, a report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research finds. Philanthropy News Digest 

Just 3 percent of venture capital goes to women-led companies, which means it’s essential that women who are making it reach back to help those who are struggling, Carrie Kerpen writes.Forbes.com 

Women will be empowered when they bring their ideas to the table with confidence, says Adena Friedman, CEO of Nasdaq. The New York Times 

The head of programming at HBO says that the network has examined all of its shows and corrected gender pay disparities among staff, inspired by “Big Little Lies” star and producer Reese Witherspoon and the larger Time’s Up movement. HuffPost Women 

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