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Iowa Business Council releases agenda for 2021 Legislature


The Iowa Business Council today released its legislative agenda for 2021, focusing on child care, broadband, housing and competitive tax policy for the session that is scheduled to convene on Jan. 11. 

Business Council President TIm Yaggi said the group’s agenda is intended to “elevate Iowa’s long-term economic vitality.” 

“As we emerge from the pandemic, we believe our outlined legislative policy priorities will support our efforts to foster growth throughout Iowa,” Yaggi said in a news release.

The Iowa Business Council’s 2021 legislative agenda includes:

  • Competitive Tax Policy: The IBC remains engaged in efforts that provide a simple, transparent and stable tax structure. It supports the efforts of the 2020 Invest in Iowa Act and will support continued efforts to make Iowa’s tax code more competitive.
  • Broadband: The IBC supports efforts to significantly invest in providing universal broadband access across the state. It says state appropriations, matching grant funding opportunities and bonding combined with a dedicated source of funding are areas in which the necessary investment could be achieved.
  • Workforce Development: The IBC will continue to support investments in the Future Ready Iowa initiative, including the Last Dollar Scholarship and Employer Innovation Fund, and other efforts that enhance the development of a talented workforce. The IBC will additionally support innovative policies that lead to an increase in Iowa’s talent pipeline.
  • Child Care: While Iowa leads the country in both parents working outside the home, 23% of Iowans live in a child care desert, IBC said. As a result, the organization supports efforts to address the child care cliff effect while increasing access to high-quality, affordable child care.
  • Housing: The Business Council supports the expansion of the workforce housing tax credit and increased investment in the state housing trust fund.

The Iowa Business Council is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization whose 22 members are the chief decision-makers of the state’s largest employers. It works to elevate the state’s economy through leadership, research and advocacy.

“We look forward to working with both the General Assembly and the governor to advance these priority areas and ensure Iowa remains a competitive place to work, live, and raise a family,” said Joe Murphy, the group’s executive director.